Amanda sits in the seat right next to another person in a movie theater full of empty seats. The other person gets up and moves to another row. According to the expectancy violations model, the other person responded to Amanda's behavior by ________.

No way to tell.

According to the expectancy violations model, people respond to others' behavior based on their expectations of what is considered normal or appropriate. In this scenario, Amanda sat in the seat next to another person in a movie theater that was full of empty seats. This behavior could be seen as a violation of personal space norms, as there were many other available seats.

When the other person got up and moved to another row, it can be inferred that they responded to Amanda's behavior. They likely felt uncomfortable or their personal space was encroached upon when Amanda sat so close to them. In order to regain their personal space and conform to their expectations of appropriate distance, they relocated to another row.

To summarize, the other person responded to Amanda's behavior by moving to another row because Amanda's violation of personal space expectations made them feel uncomfortable or encroached upon.