Choose a real or made up example of a company, and describe at least three fixed costs the company has.

Let's say we have a fictional company called "Tech Innovators" that designs and manufactures smartphones. Here are three examples of fixed costs that "Tech Innovators" might face:

1. Rent: "Tech Innovators" needs a physical workspace to accommodate its employees, equipment, and inventory. The company will have to pay monthly rent for the office or manufacturing facility. Rent is typically a fixed cost because it remains constant regardless of the level of production or sales.

2. Salaries: To run its operations, "Tech Innovators" must employ a team of professionals, including engineers, designers, marketers, and administrative staff. These employees receive a fixed salary or wages each month, regardless of the company's performance. Therefore, these salary expenses are considered fixed costs.

3. Utilities: The company requires essential services such as electricity, water, and internet connectivity to operate. Although the usage of utilities may vary from month to month, they are typically billed on a fixed-rate basis, which makes them a fixed cost for the company.

To determine fixed costs for any company, it is essential to identify expenses that do not fluctuate significantly with changes in production volume or sales.