The temperature was 72 degrees F. At midnight a cold front moved in dropping the temperature 12 degrees F. Write a number sentence to show result.

I need help! Thanks to anyone helping.

72 - 12 = 60

Thank you so much!

You're very welcome.

Can you help me for the question: The airplane descended 140 feet, then rose 112 feet. Write a number sentence to show this result.

140 - 112 = ?

That tells how far it descended.

The temperature was 72 degrees F. At midnight a cold front moved in dropping the temperature 12 degrees F. Write a number sentence to show result.

To write a number sentence that shows the result of the temperature dropping by 12 degrees Fahrenheit from 72 degrees Fahrenheit, you can use subtraction.

The starting temperature is 72 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature dropped by 12 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, the number sentence would be:

72 degrees Fahrenheit - 12 degrees Fahrenheit = (result) degrees Fahrenheit

Simply subtract 12 from 72 to find the result.