With a population of 10,000 children (50% boys and 50% girls, 70% white and 30% nonwhite, and 57% single-parent family and 43% dual-parent family), what steps would you use to select a representative sample size of 150?

so i think we have to use stratified random sampling but i still confused how to pick the sample with this method

With a population of 10,000 children (50% boys and 50% girls, 70% white and 30% nonwhite, and 57% single-parent family and 43% dual-parent family) , what steps would you use to select a representative sample size of 150?

To select a representative sample size of 150 from a population of 10,000 children, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the desired proportion
Decide on the proportion of each subgroup that you want to include in your sample. This proportion should match the proportions of each subgroup in the total population. In this case, you will aim to include 50% boys and 50% girls, 70% white and 30% nonwhite, and 57% from single-parent families and 43% from dual-parent families.

Step 2: Determine the sample size for each subgroup
Multiply the proportion of each subgroup by the total desired sample size (150) to calculate the number of individuals that should be included from each subgroup. For example, if you want 50% boys, you would select 150 * 0.5 = 75 boys.

Step 3: Select the sample for each subgroup
For each subgroup, you can use random sampling techniques to choose the appropriate number of individuals. For instance, if you need 75 boys, you could assign a unique number to each boy (1 to N) and then randomly select 75 numbers.

Step 4: Combine the samples
Combine the samples from each subgroup to create your final representative sample. Ensure that the number of individuals from each subgroup matches the desired proportions.

By following these steps, you can select a representative sample size of 150 individuals from a population of 10,000 children based on the given demographic characteristics.

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