5g = 5/6

i got:
1 1/6

3k = 1.9
i got:

k = 1/3
are these right?


5g = 5/6
g = (5/6) / 5
g = (5/6) * 1/5
g = 5/30 = 1/6

Check it by substituting 1/5 for g in the original problem.

5 * 1/6 = 5/6

In your second problem, do you mean 1/9 (not 1.9)?

sorry yes 2nd problem should be 1/9

3 times 1/3 is not 1/9

If you divide a pizza into thirds, and you and two friends each eat 1 piece, have you eaten the entire pizza?

Let's go through the calculations step by step to confirm the answers.

For the first equation, 5g = 5/6, you are asked to solve for g. To solve for g, you need to isolate the variable by performing the opposite operation. In this case, you need to divide both sides of the equation by 5 to isolate g.

So, if 5g = 5/6, dividing both sides by 5 gives you g = (5/6) / 5.

Now, let's simplify this expression:

g = (5/6) / 5

To divide by a fraction, you can multiply by its reciprocal. The reciprocal of 5 is 1/5, so you can rewrite the expression as:

g = (5/6) * (1/5)

To multiply fractions, you simply multiply their numerators together and their denominators together. So:

g = (5 * 1) / (6 * 5)

This simplifies to:

g = 1/6

So, the correct answer is g = 1/6.

Now, let's move to the second equation: 3k = 1.9.

Here, you need to solve for k. Similar to the previous equation, you need to isolate the variable by performing the opposite operation. In this case, you need to divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate k.

So, if 3k = 1.9, dividing both sides by 3 gives you k = 1.9 / 3.

Now, let's simplify this expression:

k = 1.9 / 3

This division cannot be simplified further as both the numerator and denominator are already in decimal form.

So, the correct answer for k = 1.9 / 3 is a decimal approximation, which is k ≈ 0.6333.

Therefore, the answer k = 1/3 is not correct. The correct answer for k is approximately 0.6333.