Convert r500 to australian as exchanging rate

To convert R500 to Australian dollars using the exchange rate, you will need to know the current exchange rate between the South African Rand (R) and the Australian Dollar (AUD).

1. Find the exchange rate: There are several ways to find the current exchange rate. You can check financial news websites, use online currency converters, or contact your bank for the most accurate rate. Let's assume the exchange rate is 1 R = 0.09 AUD.

2. Multiply: Multiply the amount you want to convert (R500) by the exchange rate. In our example, 500 Rands multiplied by 0.09 AUD would give you 45 AUD.

Therefore, converting R500 at an exchange rate of 1 R = 0.09 AUD would yield approximately 45 Australian dollars. However, please note that exchange rates can fluctuate, so it's always best to check for the most up-to-date rate before making any currency conversions.