The classify the as synthesis, decomposition, Single replacement. Double replacement. 2 Al +3NiBr2. 2AlBr3+3Ni



To classify the given chemical equation as synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, or double replacement, you need to understand the different types of chemical reactions.

1. Synthesis reaction (also known as combination reaction) occurs when two or more substances combine to form a new compound. It is characterized by the general equation: A + B → AB.

2. Decomposition reaction occurs when a compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. It is characterized by the general equation: AB → A + B.

3. Single replacement reaction (also known as displacement reaction) occurs when an element reacts with a compound, and one element is replaced by another. It is characterized by the general equation: A + BC → AC + B.

4. Double replacement reaction occurs when the positive ions of two ionic compounds switch places to form two new compounds. It is characterized by the general equation: AB + CD → AD + CB.

Now, let's analyze the given equation: 2 Al + 3 NiBr2 → 2 AlBr3 + 3 Ni.

In this equation, we have aluminum (Al) reacting with nickel(II) bromide (NiBr2). The products formed are aluminum bromide (AlBr3) and nickel (Ni). By observing the reaction, we can see that the aluminum replaces the nickel in the compound, indicating a single replacement reaction. Therefore, the given equation can be classified as a single replacement reaction.