maybe making them pat thier head and rub their stomach


hear a lecture and draw while youre hearing it and then answer questions on it

It seems like you are suggesting two different activities: making someone pat their head and rub their stomach, and listening to a lecture while drawing and then answering questions on it.

To make someone pat their head and rub their stomach, you can follow these steps:
1. Instruct the person to place one hand on their head and the other hand on their stomach.
2. Ask them to simultaneously pat their head with one hand and rub their stomach with the other hand.
3. You can provide additional guidance or demonstration if needed.

This activity can be challenging for some people because it requires coordination and motor skills. It can be a fun exercise to test someone's multitasking ability.

On the other hand, if you want to engage in a lecture and drawing activity, you can follow these steps:
1. Attend a lecture or find a recorded lecture on the topic you are interested in.
2. Grab some drawing materials such as paper, pencils, pens, or markers.
3. As the lecture progresses, listen carefully and take notes on the key points and ideas.
4. Simultaneously, try to visually represent those ideas by drawing relevant pictures, diagrams, or symbols on the paper.
5. After the lecture, review your drawings and notes to consolidate your understanding.
6. If there are any questions or assignments related to the lecture, answer them using your notes and drawings as references.

This activity combines both auditory and visual learning techniques, which can enhance your comprehension and retention of the lecture material. It allows you to engage your creative side and reinforce your understanding through drawing.