what does refrain mean when dealing with language arts/speeches?



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In language arts and speeches, the term "refrain" refers to a phrase, line, or set of lines that are repeated at certain intervals throughout a piece of writing or speech. The purpose of using a refrain is to create emphasis, reinforce a key message, or create a rhythmic effect.

To identify a refrain in a piece of writing or speech, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or listen to the piece carefully: Pay attention to any lines or phrases that are repeated more than once.
2. Look for patterns: Determine if there is a specific structure to the repetition. For example, does the refrain appear at the end of each stanza or paragraph?
3. Analyze the purpose: Consider why the author or speaker has chosen to repeat this particular phrase or line. What effect does it have on the overall message or theme?
4. Consider the impact: Reflect on how the use of the refrain enhances the rhythm, emphasizes certain ideas, or creates a sense of unity within the piece.

By following these steps, you can recognize and understand the role and significance of refrains in language arts and speeches.