Find the similarity ratio of a cube with a volume 512 m3 to a cube with volume 3,375 m3.

8 : 15
64 : 225
15 : 8
225 : 64

To find the similarity ratio between two cubes, we need to compare their volumes.

The volume of the first cube is 512 m^3, and the volume of the second cube is 3,375 m^3. To find the similarity ratio, we can divide the two volumes.

512 / 3,375 = 0.15185

However, we need to express the similarity ratio as a ratio of two whole numbers. To convert the decimal to a ratio, we can multiply it by a suitable factor.

In this case, we can multiply 0.15185 by 100 to get:

0.15185 * 100 = 15.185

Now, we have a decimal ratio of 15.185. To convert it to a whole number ratio, we can round it to the nearest whole number.

Rounding 15.185 to the nearest whole number gives us 15.

So, the similarity ratio of the first cube to the second cube is 15:1.

Therefore, the correct answer is 15:1.

8^3 = 512

15^3 = 3375
so ...

BTW, good job cheating on your math test. I took it 3 years ago.