I am doing a university application form where I am asked questions it asks:

*Why are you interested in this program? (100 words or less)

I applied for Biological Sciences-Major Human Biology.

My question is, would it be ok if I talked about the major instead of general because biological sciences first year is basic science then in second year we choose our major.

How should I start my sentence?

You could say,

I'm interested in the biological sciences because . . .

You could say something like "If I do this program I think I could acheive......."

Would this be right ><

Biological Sciences offers wide range of majors. I am interested in this program because Human Biology is one of the major that I am interested in.

Yes, as long as it feels right to you. Good luck!!!!!

You haven't said a thing, Anita. Why are you interested in human biology? What do you plan to do with a degree in this field?

In addition, you have grammatical errors:

Biological sciences OFFER A wide range of majors.

Yeah. Anita, you could say that but also add why are you interested in that. I'm interested in writing. If someone asked me why, I would say "Because it is a part of who I am. I love to write, I let out anger and sadness in poems. I write stories because I like to entertain people. I also like to read." Tell them why you are interested.

When starting your sentence for the question "Why are you interested in this program?" for your university application, it would be appropriate to focus on your intended major, which is Biological Sciences with a specialization in Human Biology. Given that your first year in the program involves studying basic science before choosing your major in the second year, it would be beneficial to mention your specific interest in Human Biology.

Here's a potential way to start your sentence: "I am highly interested in this program, specifically the opportunity to specialize in Human Biology within the field of Biological Sciences."