What is the formula for Celsius and Kelvin scales for temperature?

K = 273.15 + C

The formula to convert Celsius temperatures to Kelvin temperatures is quite simple. Kelvin is considered to be an absolute temperature scale, where zero Kelvin (0 K) represents absolute zero, the point at which all molecular motion ceases. To convert Celsius to Kelvin, you just need to add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature.

The formula for converting Celsius (C) to Kelvin (K) is:

K = C + 273.15

For example, let's say we have a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. To convert it to Kelvin, simply add 273.15:

K = 25 + 273.15
K = 298.15

So, 25 degrees Celsius is equal to 298.15 Kelvin.

Remember, when converting from Celsius to Kelvin, you just need to add 273.15 to the Celsius temperature to get the Kelvin value.