write a sequence for the rule a-4=b. a+(2-1)=b

To generate a sequence for the rule a - 4 = b, we can start with an initial value for a and then subtract 4 from it to find the corresponding value for b.

Let's take the initial value of a as 0.

According to the rule, a - 4 = b, so when we substitute a = 0 into the equation, we get:

0 - 4 = -4

So, the first term of the sequence is -4.

Now, let's find the second term of the sequence. We'll add 1 to a and subtract 4 from it:

(0 + 1) - 4 = -3

Therefore, the second term is -3.

Let's continue this process to find more terms of the sequence:

(0 + 2) - 4 = -2
(0 + 3) - 4 = -1
(0 + 4) - 4 = 0
(0 + 5) - 4 = 1

Hence, the sequence for the rule a - 4 = b is: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, ...