Cassie successfully harvested 7/12 of her crop, and Robert successfully harvested 58% of his crop. Who successfully harvested the larger portion of his or her crop?

7/12 = 0.5833 = 58.3%

thank you! i just couldn't figure it out, like, i was just sitting there and i kept trying to find a common denominator for both of them... don't know why... i think i had a brain fart moment.

You're welcome.

I had this similar question in class. this really helped me.

To determine who successfully harvested the larger portion of their crop, we need to compare Cassie's harvest of 7/12 with Robert's harvest of 58%.

To compare these fractions, we need a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 12 and 100 (to convert the percentage to a fraction) is 600.

Now, let's convert Cassie's harvest to a fraction with a denominator of 600:
7/12 * 600/600 = 420/600

Next, let's convert Robert's harvest (58%) to a fraction with a denominator of 600:
58% = 58/100 = 290/500 = 348/600

Now we can compare:
Cassie's harvest: 420/600
Robert's harvest: 348/600

Comparing the numerators, we can see that 420 is greater than 348. Therefore, Cassie successfully harvested the larger portion of her crop.