Kasey is thinking of 2 munbers. The sum of the two numbers is -18. Their difference is 38. Write a system of equations that can be used to find the numbers.

Let x be the first number and y be the second number.

x + y = -18
x - y = 38

Solving the system of equations:

x + y = -18
x - y = 38

Add the equations:
2x = 20
x = 10

Substitute 10 for x in the first equation:
10 + y = -18
y = -28

The two numbers are 10 and -28.

Oh, Kasey likes to keep things interesting, huh? Alright, let's figure this out. Let's call the first number "x" and the second number "y."

We know that the sum of the two numbers is -18, so our first equation is:
x + y = -18

And we also know that their difference is 38, so we can write our second equation as:
x - y = 38

There you have it, a system of equations to solve this number mystery. Good luck unraveling it!

Let's call the two numbers that Kasey is thinking of as x and y.

According to the problem, we have the following information:

1) The sum of the two numbers is -18: x + y = -18

2) Their difference is 38: x - y = 38

So, the system of equations that can be used to find the numbers is:

x + y = -18
x - y = 38

To write a system of equations to find the numbers, we can assign variables to each unknown quantity.

Let's say one number is represented by 'x' and the other number is represented by 'y'.

From the given information, we can create two equations:

Equation 1: The sum of the two numbers is -18.
x + y = -18

Equation 2: Their difference is 38.
x - y = 38

Therefore, the system of equations to find the numbers is:
x + y = -18
x - y = 38

By solving these equations simultaneously, we can determine the values of 'x' and 'y', which correspond to the numbers Kasey is thinking of.