one bag contains 1 red ball,1 yellow ball, 1green ball and 1 blue ball the second bag contains 1 pink ball and 1 grey ball what is the sample space out come

To find the sample space outcome, we need to determine all possible outcomes or combinations of balls that can be selected from the two bags.

Let's represent the balls in the first bag as A, B, C, and D (A = red, B = yellow, C = green, D = blue), and the balls in the second bag as E and F (E = pink, F = grey).

The possible outcomes of choosing one ball from each bag can be obtained by combining the elements from the first bag with the elements from the second bag.

So, the sample space outcome consists of the following combinations:
- (A, E) - red ball from the first bag and pink ball from the second bag.
- (A, F) - red ball from the first bag and grey ball from the second bag.
- (B, E) - yellow ball from the first bag and pink ball from the second bag.
- (B, F) - yellow ball from the first bag and grey ball from the second bag.
- (C, E) - green ball from the first bag and pink ball from the second bag.
- (C, F) - green ball from the first bag and grey ball from the second bag.
- (D, E) - blue ball from the first bag and pink ball from the second bag.
- (D, F) - blue ball from the first bag and grey ball from the second bag.

Therefore, the sample space outcome consists of eight different combinations: (A, E), (A, F), (B, E), (B, F), (C, E), (C, F), (D, E), and (D, F).