which of the following is an example of foreshadowing in "The monkey's paw"? a) herbert says he doesn't see the wished-for money and never will. b)herbert is killed in an accident. c)herbert returns from the dead. d)herbert vanishes when mr.white makes the third and final wish. Answer is (D)


I disagree.


To identify the example of foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw," you need to carefully analyze the text and look for clues that hint at future events. In this case, the correct answer is option D, "Herbert vanishes when Mr. White makes the third and final wish."

To determine this, you should first read the story thoroughly, paying attention to any details or dialogue that could hint at future events. It's also important to consider the context and the impact of the events on the story's plot.

In "The Monkey's Paw," Mr. White is given a magical monkey's paw that grants three wishes. When he makes his first two wishes, he realizes that the paw comes with severe consequences. The story builds suspense and tension as the characters debate whether to use the final wish.

Option D, the vanishing of Herbert when Mr. White makes the final wish, is an example of foreshadowing because earlier in the story, when the family discusses the consequences of the paw, Mr. White mentions that if Herbert were alive and they used a third wish, his return would be considered supernatural. This conversation foreshadows the eventual disappearance of Herbert when the third wish is made.

By paying attention to these details and considering the context, you can identify option D as an example of foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw."