Determine each tangent ratio to four decimal places using a calculator.

A) tan 74 degrees
B) tan 45 degrees
C) tan 60 degrees
D) tan 89 degrees

How do I figure this out !?

use your scientific calculator. if it's TI-like, just make sure the rad/deg display shows deg

press 74
press tan

If you don't have one, there are online scientific calculators

On some of them you press tan first.

on your calculator , find a key labeled DRG

press until DEG shows

I will do C), you follow the same steps for the others



you should get 1.732.....

If this does not work,
then enter


(the last method is used by a small number of manufacturers)

To determine each tangent ratio using a calculator, follow these steps:

A) tan(74 degrees):
1. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
2. Enter 74 on the calculator.
3. Press the "tan" button.
4. Round the result to four decimal places.

B) tan(45 degrees):
1. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
2. Enter 45 on the calculator.
3. Press the "tan" button.
4. Round the result to four decimal places.

C) tan(60 degrees):
1. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
2. Enter 60 on the calculator.
3. Press the "tan" button.
4. Round the result to four decimal places.

D) tan(89 degrees):
1. Make sure your calculator is set to degree mode.
2. Enter 89 on the calculator.
3. Press the "tan" button.
4. Round the result to four decimal places.

By following these steps, you can determine the tangent ratio for each angle using a calculator.

To determine each tangent ratio using a calculator, follow these steps:

1. Turn on your calculator and make sure it is in "degree" mode. Most scientific calculators have a button labeled "MODE" or "DRG" that allows you to switch between degree, radian, and gradient modes. Select the degree mode.

2. Find the tangent function (tan) on your calculator. Look for a button labeled "TAN" or "tan" on your calculator. On most scientific calculators, the tangent function is usually labeled as "TAN" or indicated by the symbol "tan^(-1)" (inverse tangent) or "tan^(-1)" (arc tangent).

3. Enter the angle in degrees that you want to find the tangent ratio for. For example, for part A) tan 74 degrees, input the number 74 followed by the "TAN" button.

4. Press the equals (=) button or any other button on your calculator that calculates the result.

5. Read the value displayed on your calculator's screen. Make sure to round the result to four decimal places as indicated in the question.

Repeat this process for each angle listed in the question:

A) tan 74 degrees
B) tan 45 degrees
C) tan 60 degrees
D) tan 89 degrees

For A) tan 74 degrees, perform the steps above using 74 as the angle.

For B) tan 45 degrees, perform the steps above using 45 as the angle.

For C) tan 60 degrees, perform the steps above using 60 as the angle.

For D) tan 89 degrees, perform the steps above using 89 as the angle.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine each tangent ratio to four decimal places using a calculator.