what fraction of students walk to school 22% 8% 19% 51%

To find the fraction of students who walk to school, you need to convert the percentages into fractions. Here is how to do it for each percentage given:

1. 22%: To convert 22% into a fraction, divide it by 100 and simplify if necessary. In this case, 22% is equal to 22/100, which can be simplified to 11/50.

2. 8%: Similar to the previous step, divide 8% by 100. So, 8% is equal to 8/100, which can be simplified as 2/25.

3. 19%: Again, divide 19% by 100. 19% is equal to 19/100, which cannot be simplified any further.

4. 51%: Divide 51% by 100. So, 51% is equal to 51/100, which also cannot be simplified.

Now you have the fractions for each percentage:

22% = 11/50
8% = 2/25
19% = 19/100
51% = 51/100

Therefore, the fraction of students who walk to school is: 11/50 + 2/25 + 19/100 + 51/100 = (22 + 4 + 19 + 51) / 100 = 96/100.

Simplifying 96/100 gives you the final answer: 24/25.

So, the fraction of students who walk to school is 24/25.