glenda wrote 1/7 of her paper on Monday,1/14 of her paper on tuesday,and 2/28 of her paper on wednesday.she said she wrote more than half of her paper,is she correct?why or why not?

No because 4/14 Is not half of her paper If the answer was 7/14 then yes

Wow thank you for the answer XD I think Sophia is right

1/7 = 2/14

2/28 = 1/14

2/14 + 1/14 + 1/14 = ?

well my opion is no because I think the answer is 12-28 and that is what I have for my opion

To determine if Glenda wrote more than half of her paper, we need to calculate the total amount of paper she wrote and compare it to half of her paper.

On Monday, Glenda wrote 1/7 of her paper. To calculate the fraction in terms of a common denominator, we can rewrite 1/7 as 2/14.

On Tuesday, Glenda wrote 1/14 of her paper. This fraction is already in terms of a common denominator.

On Wednesday, Glenda wrote 2/28 of her paper. We can simplify this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2, giving us 1/14.

Now let's add all the fractions together:

2/14 + 1/14 + 1/14 = 4/14

The total fraction of paper Glenda wrote is 4/14, which cannot be simplified further.

Now, to compare this fraction to half of her paper, we need to find half of her paper. Half of something is equivalent to dividing it by 2, so let's divide the fraction 1/2 by 2:

1/2 ÷ 2 = 1/4

Half of Glenda's paper is 1/4.

Comparing the two fractions, we can see that Glenda wrote more than half of her paper (4/14) because 4/14 is greater than 1/4.

Therefore, Glenda is correct in stating that she wrote more than half of her paper.

It would equal 4/14 because 211/14 equals 1/14

my answer is 4/14