Will somebody please check this for me and see if i used the words correctly please?

Having spent many years as political opponents, the two senators have developed a(n)MUTUAL respect for each other.

Please check if it is correct.
thank you

Very good! It's correct.

okay thank you!! :)

You're welcome.

Yes, the sentence you provided is correct. The word "mutual" is used correctly to convey that both senators have developed respect for each other. However, as an AI text-based model, I don't have the capability to physically check anything. Instead, I can provide an explanation and guidance on how to determine if the words are used correctly.

In this case, you can verify the correctness of the sentence by understanding the meaning and usage of the word "mutual."

The word "mutual" means shared or common between two or more parties. It indicates that both individuals or groups have the same feelings, experiences, or obligations towards each other. In the sentence you provided, "mutual" is correctly used to describe the respect shared between the two senators.

To confirm if you used the word correctly, you can ask yourself if the respect between the senators is indeed shared or reciprocated by both parties. If the sentiment expressed in the sentence aligns with this definition, then the usage is correct.