There's a rectangle.

On 1 side is 8 which is the Length side
I have to find out how long the width side is.
The whole perimeter has to equal 25 P=25
So if both length sides are 8 then that equals 16.
Now I have to see how much both width sides are
I did 25-16 and I got 9
then I divided 2 into 9 and got 4.5

Is this correct?

Yes, you are correct. To check: substitute your answers into this:

P = 2(length) * 2(width)

2*8 + 2*w = 25

16 + 2w = 25
2w = 9
w = 4.5 right

Yes, your calculations are correct. To find the length of the width side of the rectangle, you correctly subtracted the length sides (16) from the total perimeter (25) to get the sum of the width sides. Then, by dividing the sum (9) by 2, you found that each width side has a length of 4.5. Therefore, the width of the rectangle is indeed 4.5 units.