On a number line, point A has coordinate 5, and point D is on the line such that AD = 8. What are two possible coordinates of point D?

D could be to the right of A, then D = 13

D could be to the left of A, then D = -3

if on a number line the points are coordinates -2 and 5, then they are 7 units apart

If the midpoint of a segment is (8, 14) and one endpoint is (-9, -1), what are the coordinates of the other endpoint?

(25, 29)

(29, 25)

(-29, -25)

(-25, -29)

To find the possible coordinates of point D, we need to consider two cases: one where D is to the right of A and one where D is to the left of A on the number line.

Case 1: D is to the right of A
Since AD = 8, D is located 8 units to the right of A. To find the coordinates of D in this case, we add 8 to the coordinate of A.
Coordinate of D = Coordinate of A + AD
Coordinate of D = 5 + 8
Coordinate of D = 13

Case 2: D is to the left of A
In this case, D is located 8 units to the left of A. To find the coordinates of D, we subtract 8 from the coordinate of A.
Coordinate of D = Coordinate of A - AD
Coordinate of D = 5 - 8
Coordinate of D = -3

Therefore, the two possible coordinates of point D are 13 (if D is to the right of A) and -3 (if D is to the left of A) on the number line.