You have been contracted by a local antique store to design an algorithm determining the total purchases and sales tax. According to the store owner, the user will need to see the subtotal, the sales tax amount, and the total purchase amount. A customer is purchasing four items from the antique store. Design an algorithm where the user will enter the price of each of the four items. The algorithm will determine the subtotal, the sales tax, and the total purchase amount. Assume the sales tax is 7%.

Here's a step-by-step algorithm to calculate the subtotal, sales tax, and total purchase amount for the customer's purchases:

1. Initialize a variable named "subtotal" as 0.
2. Initialize a constant named "salesTaxRate" as 0.07 (assuming a 7% sales tax rate).
3. Initialize a variable named "totalPurchaseAmount" as 0.
4. Prompt the user to enter the price of the first item and store it in a variable named "item1Price".
5. Add "item1Price" to "subtotal" to calculate the updated subtotal.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second, third, and fourth items, prompting the user to enter the price of each item and updating the subtotal accordingly.
7. Calculate the sales tax amount by multiplying the "subtotal" by the "salesTaxRate" and store it in a variable named "salesTaxAmount".
8. Add the "subtotal" and "salesTaxAmount" to calculate the "totalPurchaseAmount".
9. Display the "subtotal", "salesTaxAmount", and "totalPurchaseAmount" to the user.

Here's the algorithm in pseudocode:

subtotal = 0
salesTaxRate = 0.07
totalPurchaseAmount = 0

1. Prompt user for item1Price
2. subtotal = subtotal + item1Price

3. Prompt user for item2Price
4. subtotal = subtotal + item2Price

5. Prompt user for item3Price
6. subtotal = subtotal + item3Price

7. Prompt user for item4Price
8. subtotal = subtotal + item4Price

9. salesTaxAmount = subtotal * salesTaxRate
10. totalPurchaseAmount = subtotal + salesTaxAmount

11. Display "Subtotal: $" + subtotal
12. Display "Sales Tax: $" + salesTaxAmount
13. Display "Total Purchase Amount: $" + totalPurchaseAmount

Note: The above algorithm assumes that the user will only enter valid numeric values for the item prices. Additional validation and error handling can be added if needed.

To design an algorithm for calculating the subtotal, sales tax, and total purchase amount based on the price of four items, you can follow these steps:

1. Initialize a variable named "subtotal" to 0.
2. Initialize a variable named "sales_tax" to 0.
3. Initialize a constant variable named "SALES_TAX_RATE" to 0.07 (representing 7%).
4. Initialize a variable named "total_purchase" to 0.

5. Begin a loop that will run four times to handle each item's price.
a. Prompt the user to enter the price of an item.
b. Read and store the value entered by the user in a variable named "item_price".
c. Add the item_price to the subtotal variable.
d. End the loop.

6. Calculate the sales tax by multiplying the subtotal by the SALES_TAX_RATE.
a. Assign the result to the sales_tax variable.

7. Calculate the total purchase amount by adding the subtotal and sales tax.
a. Assign the result to the total_purchase variable.

8. Display the subtotal, sales tax, and total purchase amount.
a. Print the value of the subtotal variable.
b. Print the value of the sales_tax variable.
c. Print the value of the total_purchase variable.

Here's a sample Python implementation:

subtotal = 0
sales_tax = 0
total_purchase = 0

for _ in range(4):
item_price = float(input("Enter the price of an item: "))
subtotal += item_price

sales_tax = subtotal * SALES_TAX_RATE
total_purchase = subtotal + sales_tax

print("Subtotal:", subtotal)
print("Sales tax:", sales_tax)
print("Total purchase:", total_purchase)

This algorithm allows the user to input the price of each item, calculates the subtotal, sales tax, and total purchase amount, and displays the results. The loop ensures that the user can enter the price of each item, and the calculations are made accordingly.