I need help in the TODO section.

* Driver.cpp - This file contains the driver code to test the
* linkedStackType class implementation

#include <iostream>

#include "linkedStack.h"

using namespace std;

template <class Type>
void printStack(linkedStackType<Type>& stack);

template <class Type>
void transferStack(linkedStackType<Type>& stack1,
linkedStackType<Type>& stack2);

int main(int argc, char *argv)
// Declare stack variables
linkedStackType<int> stack1;
linkedStackType<int> stack2;

// Add some data to stack 1

cout << "\nStack 1:\n ";

cout << "\nStack 2:\n ";
transferStack(stack1, stack2);

cout << "\nStack 1 is unchanged:\n ";

cout << "\n\n** Press any key to continue **\n";

return 0;

template <class Type>
void printStack(linkedStackType<Type>& stack)
Type item;
linkedStackType<Type> tmpStack = stack;

while (stack.isEmptyStack() == false)
item = stack.top();
cout << item << " ";

stack = tmpStack;


template <class Type>
void transferStack(linkedStackType<Type>& stack1,
linkedStackType<Type>& stack2)
// TODO: implement the transferStack() function so that the items
// found in stack1 are placed in the same order into stack2.
// Suggestions:
// 1. Create a Type item variable and a temporary stack like
// those found in the printStack() function, but do not
// initialize the temporary stack.
// 2. Create a while-loop to walk through the items in stack1.
// Place each of these items on the temporary stack using the
// push() method.
// 3. Create a second loop to walk through the temporary stack and
// place each item on stack2.
// 4. Finally, set stack1 equal to stack2 so that stack1 will
// remain unchanged.


To implement the `transferStack()` function, follow these suggestions:

1. Create a `Type` item variable and a temporary stack like those found in the `printStack()` function, but do not initialize the temporary stack.

2. Create a `while` loop to iterate through the items in `stack1`. Use the `push()` method to place each of these items on the temporary stack.

3. Create a second loop to iterate through the temporary stack and place each item on `stack2` using the `push()` method.

4. Finally, set `stack1` equal to `stack2` so that `stack1` will remain unchanged.

Here is an example implementation of the `transferStack()` function:

template <class Type>
void transferStack(linkedStackType<Type>& stack1,
linkedStackType<Type>& stack2)
Type item;
linkedStackType<Type> tmpStack;

// Step 1: Copy items from stack1 to tmpStack
while (!stack1.isEmptyStack())
item = stack1.top();

// Step 2: Copy items from tmpStack to stack2
while (!tmpStack.isEmptyStack())
item = tmpStack.top();

// Step 3: Set stack1 equal to stack2
stack1 = stack2;

Make sure to include the correct header file for the `linkedStackType` class at the top of your code (`#include "linkedStack.h"`). Once you have implemented the `transferStack()` function, you can call it in your `main()` function to transfer items from `stack1` to `stack2` and verify the result.