Two of alexandra apples weigh the same as a banana.A banana and a cherry weigh the same as nine cherries. How many cherries weigh the same as one of Alexandras apples

b = 2a

b + c = 9c or b = 8c
2a = 8c
a = 4c

One apple weighs as much as 4 cherries
(must be huge cherries)

To find out how many cherries weigh the same as one of Alexandra's apples, we need to analyze the given information step by step.

Let's assume the weight of one Alexandra apple is represented by the variable 'A', the weight of a banana is represented by 'B', and the weight of a cherry is represented by 'C'.

Based on the information given:
1) Two Alexandra apples weigh the same as one banana: 2A = B
2) One banana and one cherry weigh the same as nine cherries: B + C = 9C

We can use these two equations to solve for the weight of one Alexandra apple in terms of cherries:

From equation 1, we can rearrange it to solve for B: B = 2A.

Substituting this into equation 2, we get:
2A + C = 9C.

Now, let's isolate the cherries by moving 2A to the other side:
C = 9C - 2A.

Next, let's move 9C to the other side to isolate the cherries:
C - 9C = -2A.

-8C = -2A.

Dividing both sides of the equation by -8 gives:
C = 0.25A.

Now we have the relationship that one cherry weighs 0.25 times the weight of one Alexandra apple.

Therefore, to find the number of cherries that weigh the same as one of Alexandra's apples, we can divide the weight of one apple by the weight of one cherry:
1 apple / 0.25 cherries.

This simplifies to:
4 cherries.

So, one Alexandra apple weighs the same as four cherries.