if a hexagon has two right angles, what is the sum of the measures of the remaining angles?

since the sum of the angles of a hexagon is 720°, just subtract 90+90 and that will be what you need.

In case you forgot, the sum of the angles of any n-gon is (n-2)*180.

To find the sum of the measures of the remaining angles in a hexagon, we first need to determine the measure of one right angle.

In a right angle, the measure is 90 degrees. Since the hexagon has two right angles, the sum of these two angles is 2 * 90 = 180 degrees.

A hexagon has six angles in total. If two of them are right angles, then the remaining angles must add up to 360 degrees (the sum of all the angles in a hexagon).

To find the sum of the remaining angles, we subtract the sum of the two right angles from 360 degrees: 360 - 180 = 180 degrees.

Therefore, the sum of the measures of the remaining angles in a hexagon with two right angles is 180 degrees.