I don't know how to make 14/9 into a mixed number please help?


Divide 14 by 9. What do you get?

i got 5

no, you got a remainder of 5.

so, 14/9 = 1 5/9


To convert a fraction like 14/9 into a mixed number, you need to find the whole number part and the fraction part. Here's how you do it:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (the top number, in this case, 14) by the denominator (the bottom number, in this case, 9).

14 ÷ 9 = 1 remainder 5

Step 2: The whole number part of the mixed number is the quotient from the division in Step 1, which is 1.

Step 3: The fraction part is the remainder from the division in Step 1, which is 5. Write this as a fraction with the original denominator.

So, the mixed number representation of 14/9 is 1 5/9.