Need help with these:

21. English philosopher who believed all people have natural rights- Thomas Hobbes

30. Ancient Greek philosopher and teacher who died for his beliefs- Aristotle?


21 is right but it could also be John Locke.

30 is incorrect.

Thank You


You're welcome.

For question 21, you correctly identified Thomas Hobbes as the English philosopher who believed that all people have natural rights. Thomas Hobbes is best known for his works on political philosophy, particularly his book Leviathan. To find the answer to this question, you can search for notable English philosophers or philosophers who emphasized the concept of natural rights.

For question 30, it is actually a different ancient Greek philosopher who died for his beliefs, not Aristotle. The philosopher you are looking for is Socrates. Socrates is one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy, known for his method of questioning and examining moral and intellectual beliefs. He was put on trial and eventually sentenced to death for his unorthodox beliefs and for questioning the established order of Athens.

To find the answer to question 30, you can search for ancient Greek philosophers who were executed or put to death for their beliefs.