K. =9



2.3= n

What is your question?

To solve the equations:

1) Given K = 9 and 3.3, it seems like you might be missing an operator between them. Let's assume the missing operator is addition (+).

So, the equation becomes K + 3.3 = 9.

To find the value of K, we need to isolate K on one side of the equation.

Subtracting 3.3 from both sides, we get:

K = 9 - 3.3

Simplifying the right side, we have:

K = 5.7

Therefore, the value of K is 5.7.

2) Given 2.3 = n and 4.1, again, it seems like you might be missing an operator between them. Assuming the missing operator is subtraction (-), the equation becomes 2.3 - n = 4.1.

To find the value of n, we need to isolate n on one side of the equation.

Subtracting 2.3 from both sides, we get:

-n = 4.1 - 2.3

Simplifying the right side, we have:

-n = 1.8

To isolate n, we need to multiply both sides by -1 (to cancel out the negative sign). This gives us:

n = -1.8

Therefore, the value of n is -1.8.