How do you find the exact value of:

4sin 60degrees - 3tan 135degrees

You should know the trig ratios of the 30-60-90 and the 45-45-90 right-angled triangles

sin 60° = √3/2
so 4sin60° = 4(√3/2) = 2√3

tan 135° = -tan 45° = -1

now put it all together to get
2√3 + 3

To find the exact value of the expression 4sin 60° - 3tan 135°, we can break it down step by step.

Step 1: Evaluate sin 60°
The sine of 60° is equal to √3/2. This can be found using the special triangles or by using the unit circle.

Step 2: Evaluate tan 135°
The tangent of 135° is equal to -1. This can be found by recognizing that 135° is in the second quadrant, where the tangent is negative. Alternatively, you can use the unit circle.

Step 3: Substitute the values into the expression.
Now that we know sin 60° = √3/2 and tan 135° = -1, we can substitute these values into the expression:

4sin 60° - 3tan 135° = 4(√3/2) - 3(-1)

Step 4: Simplify the expression.
By applying the distributive property, we can simplify as follows:

4(√3/2) - 3(-1) = 2√3 - (-3) = 2√3 + 3

Therefore, the exact value of the expression 4sin 60° - 3tan 135° is 2√3 + 3.