In the movie Lakota Woman- Siege at Wounded Knee; I need to understand what the alienation isues that Mary Crow Dog regarding her family.

Do you have any ideas on where I can find this informaton?

The movie? Her mom abandoned her, her sister ran away, and she as a a teen was aimless.

Thank you. so her mother abandoned her when she was young and then her sister left her after they went to a boarding school right? I could not read your last statement. When she was a teen?

When she was a teen, she was aimless.

To understand the alienation issues that Mary Crow Dog experiences regarding her family in the movie Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee, you can follow these steps:

1. Watch the movie: The first step is to watch the movie itself. Pay close attention to the scenes involving Mary Crow Dog and her family, to understand the dynamics and conflicts that lead to her feelings of alienation.

2. Research online reviews and summaries: Look for online reviews and summaries of the movie that specifically mention Mary Crow Dog's relationship with her family. Film review websites, such as IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes, often provide detailed analyses of characters and their motivations.

3. Seek books or articles: Check if there are any books or articles written about the movie or Mary Crow Dog's experiences. Many movies, especially those based on books, have companion materials that provide deeper insights into the characters and their storylines.

4. Consult scholarly databases: Explore scholarly databases like JSTOR or ProQuest, which contain academic articles and research papers. These resources might offer analyses of the movie, including discussions about the alienation experienced by Mary Crow Dog in relation to her family.

5. Join film discussion groups: Engage in film discussion groups or forums related to Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee. Other movie enthusiasts or individuals who have studied the movie might share their perspectives on Mary Crow Dog's alienation from her family.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information and develop a comprehensive understanding of the alienation issues faced by Mary Crow Dog in the movie Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee.