A corner reflector made from a triangular prism with index of refraction n = 1.65 is shown in the diagram. What is the maximum angle of incidence, θ, such that total reflection occurs?

I wish I could see the diagram. I don't know if this is correct or not, without a diagram.http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100324132558AACNjR7

To find the maximum angle of incidence, θ, such that total reflection occurs, we can apply the concept of critical angle.

The critical angle can be determined using the formula:
sin(θc) = 1/n

Where θc is the critical angle and n is the refractive index of the medium.

In this case, the refractive index (n) of the triangular prism is given as 1.65.

Let's calculate the critical angle using the formula:

sin(θc) = 1/n
sin(θc) = 1/1.65

Now, to find the maximum angle of incidence, we need to take the inverse sine (sin^-1) of the value obtained:

θ = sin^-1(1/1.65)

Using a scientific calculator, you can input the value 1/1.65 and find its inverse sine to get the maximum angle of incidence (θ) for total reflection in the corner reflector made from the triangular prism.