What are 2 ways resources are brought up from under Earth's surface?

Coal is brought up by mining. Water is brought up by pumps and wells.

There are two main ways resources are brought up from under Earth's surface: mining and drilling.

1. Mining: Mining is the process of extracting minerals, metals, and other valuable materials from the Earth's crust. It involves digging deep underground to reach the deposit of the desired resource. There are various types of mining, including surface mining and underground mining. Surface mining is typically used for shallow deposits and involves removing the overlying soil and rock layers to access the mineral deposits. Underground mining, on the other hand, is used for deeper deposits, and it involves creating tunnels and shafts to access the resources.

2. Drilling: Drilling is another method used to bring up resources from beneath the Earth's surface. It involves creating holes or wells using specialized machinery and equipment. Drilling is commonly used for extracting fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas. It can be done on land, as well as underwater, such as in offshore drilling. Once the well is drilled, extraction methods are used to bring the resources to the surface.

It's important to note that both mining and drilling have environmental implications and can have an impact on ecosystems and local communities. Various regulations and practices are implemented to minimize these impacts and ensure responsible resource extraction.