In sowing seeds of peace the purpose of the camp on maine can best be decribed as

A. to educate Arab and Israeli teens
B. to give orphans of families destroyed by conflict a place to meet
C. for arab and israeli teens to get to know each other as people not at enemies
D. to build awareness of the conflict among arab and israeli teens
I got D.

What is the main reason locals f the rain forest in latin america choose distruction over conservation
A. Governments offer incentives to clearera and logging companies
B. The short term economic gains are high for those struck with poverty
C. There is a lack of education of how exactly to conserve among the locals
D. The burden of conservation is placed mainly on the locaks who can not afford it.
I got B.

The second one is correct. The first is wrong.

For the first question, "In sowing seeds of peace, the purpose of the camp in Maine can best be described as A. to educate Arab and Israeli teens, B. to give orphans of families destroyed by conflict a place to meet, C. for Arab and Israeli teens to get to know each other as people not enemies, or D. to build awareness of the conflict among Arab and Israeli teens," the best answer is C. for Arab and Israeli teens to get to know each other as people, not enemies.

To arrive at this answer, you can carefully analyze the options provided:

A. To educate Arab and Israeli teens: This option suggests that the camp's main purpose is focused on education. However, the context of "getting to know each other as people, not enemies" suggests a broader intention than just education.

B. To give orphans of families destroyed by conflict a place to meet: This option is specific to orphans of families affected by conflict, which is not mentioned in the question prompt.

C. For Arab and Israeli teens to get to know each other as people, not enemies: This option aligns with the question prompt, as it emphasizes the importance of fostering understanding and humanizing each other.

D. To build awareness of the conflict among Arab and Israeli teens: This option is more focused on raising awareness about the conflict, rather than fostering personal connections.

Therefore, the best answer is C.

For the second question, "What is the main reason locals of the rainforest in Latin America choose destruction over conservation? A. Governments offer incentives to clearers and logging companies, B. The short-term economic gains are high for those struck with poverty, C. There is a lack of education on how exactly to conserve among the locals, or D. The burden of conservation is placed mainly on the locals who cannot afford it," the best answer is B. The short-term economic gains are high for those struck with poverty.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the provided options:

A. Governments offer incentives to clearers and logging companies: This option suggests that governments actively support and encourage deforestation and logging, which may not be the case for all instances.

B. The short-term economic gains are high for those struck with poverty: This option aligns with the question prompt, as it highlights the allure of immediate economic benefits for impoverished locals.

C. There is a lack of education on how exactly to conserve among the locals: While this may be a contributing factor, it does not address the main reason for choosing destruction over conservation.

D. The burden of conservation is placed mainly on the locals who cannot afford it: This option suggests that the main reason for destruction is the financial burden placed on the locals, which is not mentioned in the question prompt.

Therefore, the best answer is B.