When a positive charge moves in the direction of the electric field, what happens to the electrical potential energy associated with the charge?

It increases.
It decreases.
It remains the same.
It sharply increases, and then decreases.


What daughter isotopes are produced when a neutron combines with a nucleus of 235/92 U? Assume that three neutrons are also produced in the reaction.

A. 140/56 Ba, 95/36 Kr
B. 142/56 Ba, 93/36 Kr
C. 140/56 Ba, 93/36 Kr
D. 141/56 Ba, 94/36 Kr


Both of your answers are wrong.

Remember that two extra neutrons are released in the Uranium fission reaction.

Is the first one B and the second one C?

To answer the first question, when a positive charge moves in the direction of the electric field, its electrical potential energy decreases. This is because the electric field does work on the charge as it moves, converting electrical potential energy into kinetic energy. Therefore, option D (It decreases) is correct.

To answer the second question, we need to determine the daughter isotopes produced when a neutron combines with a nucleus of 235/92 U. The sum of the mass numbers on both sides of the reaction should be equal, as well as the sum of the atomic numbers.

Given that three neutrons are also produced in the reaction, we can see that the mass number on the product side would increase by 3. Therefore, the options with the correct sum of atomic and mass numbers are:

A. 140/56 Ba (mass number = 140) + 95/36 Kr (mass number = 95)
C. 140/56 Ba (mass number = 140) + 93/36 Kr (mass number = 93)

Therefore, the correct answer is option C (140/56 Ba, 93/36 Kr).