

study of populaton numbers, distribution, trends, and issues


people who leave a country


people who enter a country


movement from one place to another

All are right! :-)

thanks very much ms. sue :) i allowed to use people for emigration and immigration or they be known as something else?

Yes. Emigration and immigration means the people who come or left a country.

You are an immigrant in Canada. You are an emigrant from the country where you were born.

thanks very much ms. sue :)

You're very welcome.

Demography refers to the study of population numbers, distribution, trends, and issues. It involves analyzing data and statistics related to population size, growth, density, age structure, migration patterns, and various other factors. Demographers study how populations change over time and how they are distributed across different regions or areas.

Emigration refers to the act of people leaving a particular country to settle in another. It typically involves individuals or groups moving away from their home country in search of better economic opportunities, improved living conditions, political stability, or social factors.

Immigration, on the other hand, refers to the act of people entering a country to settle there. This could be for various reasons such as seeking employment, reuniting with family members, seeking protection or asylum, or pursuing higher education. Immigration contributes to the cultural, social, and economic diversity of a country.

Migration is a broader term that encompasses both emigration and immigration. It refers to the movement of people from one place to another, either within a country or across international borders. Migration can be permanent or temporary, voluntary or forced, and can occur due to various factors such as economic opportunities, conflicts, political instability, environmental conditions, or social reasons.

These definitions can be easily found in reliable sources such as dictionaries, textbooks, or reputable websites. Understanding the definitions is important for grasping the concepts accurately and applying them in related fields such as sociology, economics, geography, or public policy.