In the story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall", from what point of view is the story being told

A. Dr. Harry B. Granny Weatherall
C. Cornellia D. Hapsy

To determine the point of view in which the story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" is being told, we need to consider who the narrator is. The point of view refers to the perspective from which the events of the story are relayed.

In this particular case, the story is being told from the point of view of Granny Weatherall. This means that Granny Weatherall is narrating her own story, providing insight into her thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

To arrive at this answer, one could read the story closely, paying attention to the language and pronouns used in the narrative. The use of phrases like "I felt" or "I thought" suggests that the story is being told in the first-person point of view.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Granny Weatherall.