If the first World Series occurred in 1903 and the Yankees have played in 36 Series as of 2006, what percent of the Series have the Yankees played in since 1903?

To find the percentage of World Series the Yankees have played in since 1903, you need to divide the number of times they have played in the series by the total number of World Series that have been played up until 2006.

First, let's determine the total number of World Series that have been played since 1903. As the first World Series occurred in 1903, and the question does not provide any information on how many World Series have occurred, we need to find this information.

To find the total number of World Series, you can perform a quick Google search using the keywords "total number of World Series played." This will provide you with reliable sources, such as the Major League Baseball (MLB) website or other sports-related websites.

Once you have the total number of World Series, you can divide the number of times the Yankees have played in the series by that total. Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.

For example, if the Yankees have played in 36 World Series, and there have been a total of 103 World Series played up until 2006 (according to your question), you would calculate:

(36 / 103) x 100 = 34.95%

Therefore, the Yankees have played in approximately 34.95% of the World Series that have occurred since 1903.