In comparison to medieval culture, Renaissance culture was

A. More concerned with things of the earthly world
B. disinterested in classical models
C. Based less on urban vitality and expanding commerce
D. More other-worldly and religious

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To determine how Renaissance culture differed from medieval culture in terms of its concerns and characteristics, we can analyze each option and eliminate the incorrect choices.

A. More concerned with things of the earthly world:
During the Renaissance, there was a shift towards a greater focus on the earthly world. Medieval culture, on the other hand, prioritized the spiritual realm and the afterlife. Therefore, this option is a possible answer.

B. Disinterested in classical models:
One of the defining features of the Renaissance was its renewed interest in classical models, such as the literature, art, and philosophy of Ancient Greece and Rome. Medieval culture, on the contrary, had limited exposure to and engagement with classical works. This option is incorrect.

C. Based less on urban vitality and expanding commerce:
The Renaissance was characterized by a flourishing urban life and expanding commerce. The rise of city-states, the growth of trade, and the emergence of wealthy merchant classes all contributed to the vibrancy of Renaissance culture. In contrast, medieval culture was primarily rural and centered around feudal systems with limited commercial activities. Thus, this option is incorrect.

D. More other-worldly and religious:
In terms of religious aspects, the Renaissance witnessed a diversification of religious practices and a focus on individual spirituality rather than solely adhering to the established traditions of the Catholic Church. Medieval culture, however, was deeply rooted in religious beliefs and institutions, with the Catholic Church playing a significant role in society. Thus, this option is incorrect.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that the correct answer is A. More concerned with things of the earthly world. The Renaissance marked a shift towards a greater emphasis on humanism, individualism, secular subjects, and the exploration of the natural world.