What is Rachel Renee Russell adress. I can't seem to find it. I'm really writing a letter to her and doing this as a extra credit project for english.

Um... Writeacher, I don't I'll be aloud to e-mail people.

I know nothing about science fairs.

Use the Simon & Schuster Children's address in here to send US mail:

ok but can you ask other teachers if they know. If they know tell them to please reply my post.

Thank You!! (for the info u gave me)

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to personal contact information like addresses. It's important to respect people's privacy and not share personal information without their consent.

However, if you're interested in contacting Rachel Renee Russell, the author of the popular "Dork Diaries" series, there are other ways you can try to reach her:

1. Publicist or Publisher: Look for contact information for her publicist or publishing company. They often handle author-related inquiries and can redirect your letter to her or provide you with more information.

2. Social Media: Rachel Renee Russell is active on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can try sending her a direct message or tagging her in a post to express your admiration or request contact information.

3. Author's Website: Visit the official website of Rachel Renee Russell, if available. Often, authors provide contact information, or at least a way to send messages through their website.

Remember to always be polite and respectful when reaching out to authors or anyone else online.