I think that Item 15..."I’ve heard that it’s better to not eat cheeseburgers every day, but it’s extra protein and protein is good for you." is wishful thinking and

I think that number 2 "On a radio ad: “Have you been fatigued, irritable, moody? If these symptoms are ignored, you might become depressed or even suicidal! Ward off the blues by taking a pill proven to cheer you up. Millions of people have, and they’re glad they did!”
is an argument from popularity because of "millions of people. Am I on the right track?

This could also have been wishful thinking.

It is wishful thinking on your part if you think we are going to answer for you. We are not part of AXIA, nor the so called University of Phoenix, nor wish to be. Look on internal axia boards to find appendix 7, then do your own critical thinking.