It took mike 2 2/5 hours to drive home. His sister drove same distance in 3/8 of mikes time how long did the drive take mikes sister?

2 2/5 = 12/5

in these word problems, "of" means "times" as in half of 10 is 1/2 * 10

So, we have
3/8 * 12/5 = 36/40

while that is mathematically correct, it is normal to reduce fractions to lowest terms, by removing common factors from numerator and denominator. So, since

36/40 = 4*9/4*10 = 4/4 * 9/10,

and 4/4 = 1,

we end up with just 9/10.

2 2/5 hours is 132 minutes

132*3/8 is equal to 45 3/4 minutes

2 1/5 hours is 132 minutes.

2 2/5 hours is 144 minutes . . .

To find out how long Mike's sister took to drive the same distance, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert Mike's time into an improper fraction.
Mike's time is 2 2/5 hours, which is equivalent to (5 * 2 + 2) / 5 = 12/5 hours.

Step 2: Calculate Mike's sister's time.
Since Mike's sister drove the same distance in 3/8 of Mike's time, we can find her time by multiplying Mike's time by 3/8:
(12/5) * (3/8) = 36/40 = 9/10

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (9/10).
Since the fraction 9/10 can't be simplified any further, we can conclude that Mike's sister took 9/10 of an hour to drive home, which is equal to 54 minutes.

Therefore, Mike's sister took 54 minutes to drive home.