Total number of scores is 45. Alex scored 9. What percent of the total number of points did Alex score?

(9/45)* 100 = 20%

To find the percentage of the total number of points that Alex scored, we need to divide the number of points Alex scored by the total number of points, and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Given that the total number of scores is 45 and Alex scored 9, we can calculate the percentage using the following formula:

Percentage = (Alex's score / Total number of scores) * 100

In this case, Alex's score is 9 and the total number of scores is 45:

Percentage = (9 / 45) * 100

Now let's calculate it:

Percentage = 0.2 * 100

Percentage = 20%

Therefore, Alex scored 20% of the total number of points.