Kayla is 5 feet tall, and Maria is 5.5 feet tall. Kayla's shadow at 3pm outdoors measured 3feet. The length of each persons shadow is proportionate to her height. How many feet long is Maria's shadow at 3pm.


h= 3.3

Thank you

To find the length of Maria's shadow at 3pm, we need to use the information provided about the proportion between their heights and the lengths of their shadows.

First, let's set up a proportion:

Kayla's height / Kayla's shadow = Maria's height / Maria's shadow

We know that Kayla is 5 feet tall and her shadow measures 3 feet.

So, we have:

5 feet / 3 feet = Maria's height / Maria's shadow

Now, we can substitute Maria's height, which is given as 5.5 feet, into the equation:

5 / 3 = 5.5 / Maria's shadow

To find Maria's shadow, we can cross-multiply:

(5)(Maria's shadow) = (3)(5.5)

Simplifying the equation:

5 * Maria's shadow = 3 * 5.5

Now, we can solve for Maria's shadow:

5 * Maria's shadow = 16.5

Dividing both sides by 5:

Maria's shadow = 16.5 / 5

Maria's shadow = 3.3 feet

Therefore, Maria's shadow at 3pm is 3.3 feet long.