What crisis' did Marilyn Monroe have/suffer through?

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Marilyn Monroe, the iconic American actress, model, and singer, faced several personal struggles and crises throughout her life. Some of the crises she experienced include:

1. Childhood Trauma: Monroe had a traumatic upbringing, marked by her parents' divorce, her mother's struggle with mental illness, and her time in foster care and orphanages.

2. Mental Health Issues: Monroe battled with mental health issues throughout her life, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. She sought help from various therapists and psychiatrists.

3. Substance Abuse: Monroe struggled with substance abuse, particularly with prescription drugs and alcohol. She used them to cope with her emotional challenges and performance anxieties.

4. Unstable Relationships: Monroe had a series of tumultuous relationships, including three marriages and numerous affairs. The failed relationships and the pressures of her public image contributed to her emotional distress.

5. Professional Challenges: Despite being a popular and successful actress, Monroe faced professional challenges such as typecasting, contract disputes, and difficulties being taken seriously as a serious artist.

To find more specific details about the crises Marilyn Monroe went through, you can explore reliable biographies, autobiographies, documentaries, and interviews with people who were close to her or had knowledge of her life. These sources will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges she faced and how she navigated through them.