I need help and I'm a bit confused.

How to Submit Your Work

Regional Programs

Students first submit work to regional programs administered by affiliates of the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. Students and teachers can connect with their regional programs HERE. Deadlines for submitting work vary by region and generally range from December 15, 2011 through January 15, 2012.

At the regional level, students can receive Honorable Mention, Silver Key, Gold Key and American Voices & Visions Nominations recognition. Students who receive Gold Keys are automatically included in judging for national-level recognition.


To register, students must first create a profile at the website. Click here to see what information you need to register.


Once students have completed their profile (i.e. provided their contact information), they should follow instructions to upload their work online. Every category has specific requirements so please read the Category Descriptions carefully. Some regional programs require that live work (i.e. the actual piece of work) be submitted in addition to uploading work online. Students should read their region guidelines carefully before completing registration. Click here to find your region guidelines.


After all work is uploaded, students print submission forms, acquire required signatures (student, parent and teacher/administrator), prepare payment (if applicable) and mail forms to the student’s regional affiliate. Specific requirements vary by region so students should read the region guidelines carefully before completing their application. Region guidelines can be found here.

I thought like you registor online then you print out the form and then mail the form with your art work or writing (i'm submiting both). It's impossiable to put my art work in the computer and post it on the site (I'm using a canvas to sumbit it in).

I mean like I thought you first registor online to make your profile. Then, you find the submission form. After you fill it out and finish your work (art work and writing) you mail both to them. Then, when they announce the winner they let the school know then they send you the invitation to the what day is the ceremony. And then you won (IF) and you got a scholarship and a award and your work is publish.

"Students and teachers can connect with their regional programs HERE. "

Did you connect with the regional program by clicking HERE?


I'm a bit confused I read that info many times do I have to mail my work??

I don't know. Contact the regional program.

Or I can e-mail them and ask them some questions about this because I'm a bit confused now.

Based on the information provided, it seems that you have a few questions and concerns about submitting your artwork and writing to the regional programs administered by the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. I'll try my best to address them step-by-step:

1. Registration: The first step is to create a profile on the website. To do this, visit the website (which is not specified in the information you provided) and follow the instructions to register. Make sure you have the necessary information needed for registration.

2. Uploading Work: Once you have created your profile and provided your contact information, you will need to upload your artwork and writing. However, it's important to note that you mentioned using a canvas to submit your artwork. It appears that some regional programs may require you to submit physical copies of your artwork in addition to uploading your work online. So, it would be a good idea to carefully read the region guidelines for your specific program to understand their requirements.

When uploading your work online, you may need to follow specific instructions and requirements for each category. It's important to read the category descriptions and guidelines carefully to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria.

3. Submission Forms: After uploading your work, you will need to complete the required submission forms. These forms typically require signatures from the student, parent, and teacher/administrator. Additionally, there may be a requirement to include payment if applicable. The specific requirements for submission forms can vary by region, so it's essential to refer to the region guidelines to ensure you complete the application correctly.

4. Mailing Forms and Artwork: Once you have completed all the necessary steps, including uploading your work and preparing the submission forms, you will need to print the forms and mail them, along with your physical artwork, to your regional affiliate. Again, it's vital to carefully review the region guidelines to understand the specific mailing requirements for your region.

In summary, to submit your artwork and writing to the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers regional programs:

1. Create a profile on the website of the program (which is not specified).
2. Upload your work online according to the category descriptions and guidelines. Note any additional requirements for physical artwork submission.
3. Complete the required submission forms, including acquiring necessary signatures and preparing payment (if applicable).
4. Print the forms and mail them, along with your physical artwork, to your regional affiliate based on the guidelines provided.

Please make sure to check the specific guidelines for your region to ensure that you are following all the necessary steps accurately.