Two characterstics that lead to an element being classified as a metal. Please help!

Sure! Two characteristics that generally lead to an element being classified as a metal are:

1. Metallic luster: Metals have a characteristic shiny appearance known as metallic luster. They reflect light well, giving them a polished and reflective surface.

2. Good conductivity: Metals are good conductors of both heat and electricity. This means that they allow the flow of heat and electric current through them easily. This property is due to the presence of free electrons in the metal's atomic structure, which can move freely.

Now, if you want to find out whether a specific element is classified as a metal, you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the element's atomic number and symbol: You can find this information on the periodic table. Each element is represented by a unique symbol and has a corresponding atomic number.

2. Determine the element's classification: Refer to a reliable source, such as a chemistry textbook or reputable online resource, to find the classification of the element. Keep in mind that some elements may have properties of both metals and non-metals, known as metalloids.

3. Examine the element's physical properties: Once you know the classification, you can check if the element exhibits any characteristic properties of metals, such as metallic luster and conductivity. These properties can be observed through experiments or gathered from accurate scientific data.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify whether an element is classified as a metal based on its characteristics.