I'm planning on writing a letter to the president and the wife about my organziation. i'm writing the letter THIS YEAR so after me and the club are done with the project I'm going to write a letter to them.

I'm also going to write about our project we done in roots and shoots :)

How can I start writing the letter to them. I know it's Dear President Obama and his wife, but like what's the first sentence I should write???

Dear President and Mrs. Obama:

I cannot tell you the first sentence without seeing an outline for your entire letter! Since you can't write this letter until your projects are completed, you can't possibly start it now!

Relax, Laruen! Enjoy your vacation with more entertaining projects.

OK !!!!

I am relaxing and enjoy it. I'm also working on my outline for it as soon as i'm done with it then I show it to you after the break ;)

Bye!!! :)


Merry Christmas.

That's great! Writing a letter to the President and the First Lady about your organization is a wonderful way to share your accomplishments. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you write your letter:

1. Start with your introduction: Begin the letter by addressing the President and the First Lady respectfully. You can use "Dear President [Last Name]" and "Dear First Lady [Last Name]" to address them.

2. Introduce yourself and your organization: In the first paragraph, briefly introduce yourself and provide some background information about your organization. Mention its mission, goals, and any notable projects or achievements.

3. Highlight your project: In the next few paragraphs, describe the specific project that your organization undertook. Include details about its purpose, impact, and any accomplishments or challenges you faced. Be concise but informative.

4. Share success stories: If your project had significant success stories or positive outcomes, mention them. Include anecdotes, statistics, or any other evidence that showcases the positive impact your organization has made.

5. Express gratitude: Thank the President and the First Lady for their leadership and support in advancing causes similar to your organization's mission. Emphasize how their guidance and initiatives have inspired your work.

6. Discuss future collaboration: Convey your organization's interest in collaborating with the administration or any specific initiatives proposed by the President or the First Lady. Explain how your work aligns with their priorities and how their support would further amplify your efforts.

7. Close the letter: Conclude your letter by reiterating your appreciation for their time and consideration. Provide your contact information, including your organization's name, address, phone number, and email, in case they wish to follow up with you.

8. Review and edit: Before finalizing the letter, proofread it for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Consider having someone else read it for feedback and suggestions.

9. Send the letter: Once you're satisfied with the content, print the letter on professional letterhead if possible, sign it, and send it by mail. Keep a copy for your records.

Remember, it's important to follow proper etiquette and respect the formalities expected when writing to the President and the First Lady. Good luck with your letter!