Help with the following sentence please! Instant quotes is what? Some synonyms explanations?

There are now a lot of car rental comparison websites that can provide you with instant quotes.

another one! Explain the word restrained

For example, in New York and Florida, only children up to 3 years old are required to be in a child safety seat, but in the California, children up to 6 years old should be restrained, unless they weigh over 60 lbs.

Instant quotes means that the company will tell you right away what your car rental will cost you.

In this case, "restrained" means strapped into a car seat.

The phrase "instant quotes" refers to the immediate price estimates or quotations that you can receive when using car rental comparison websites. These websites allow you to enter your desired car rental details, such as location, dates, and type of vehicle, and they quickly generate a list of prices from different providers. Instead of contacting each rental company individually for quotes, you can save time and effort by using these comparison websites.

Here are some synonyms and explanations for "instant quotes":

1. Immediate estimates: These are quick calculations provided to give you an idea of the rental costs without delay.

2. Rapid price quotes: These are speedy responses that offer you the rental prices swiftly.

3. Fast rate proposals: These are prompt suggestions of the charges involved in renting a car.

4. Quick rental evaluations: These are swift assessments of the cost and terms you can expect when renting a vehicle.

These synonyms emphasize the speed and efficiency of getting price information through car rental comparison websites, allowing you to make informed decisions without wasting time.